
This document was written to explain how to build univariate spatiotemporal model with discrete time using INLA.

Note that INLA can be used with a range of data type because many different likelihood and link functions have been implemented in INLA. The different likelihood functions already implemented in INLA can be found by typing INLA::inla.list.models("likelihood") while the link functions can be found by typing INLA::inla.list.models("link").

To illustrate how these models are constructed, sugar maple data from Eastern North America will be used.

Load R package for the analysis

Build the INLA spatio-temporal model

Step 1 - Building the mesh

The first step that needs to be carried out to construct a spatiotemporal model is to build a Delaunay triangulation, a mesh, that will serve as a basis to construct the spatial component of the model through an SPDE approach. Properly choosing the structure of the mesh is essential for the model estimation to be carried out properly. Detailed explanation on the dos and don’ts of constructing a mesh is presented in section 1.3 of the R-INLA tutorial on SPDE models. For a quick overview, take a look at the mesh practical. For our illustration, let’s use the following mesh.

Step 2 - Define the stochastic partial differential equation object

This is important to define the structure of the field on which the spatial contrain is imposed. In some ways, this serves as our “model variogram”. Recall that in INLA, it is the Matérn model variogram that is used. In this respect, in addition of the mesh, we have to define the scaling parameter (alpha), the prior range (prior.range) and the prior variance (prior.sigma).

  • alpha: This value needs to range between 0 and 2
  • prior.range: This is a vector of length 2 specifying the range (first) and the uncertainty around this range (second). Note that the uncertainty around the range needs to be smaller that the range itself.
  • prior.sigma: This is a vector of length 2 specifying the sill (first) and the uncertainty around this sill (second). Note that the uncertainty around the sill needs to be smaller that the range itself.

Step 4 - Index matrix

Here, we construct an “index matrix” used to extract the values of the latent spatial field at the observation locations.

Step 5 - \(A\) matrix

We need to construct an \(A\) matrix. Recall from the lecture that the \(A\) matrix is sometimes referred to as the observation matrix and includes the parameters used to construct model. The discrete temporal groups are defined here.

Important note : The groups need to start at 1.

Step 6 - Organise the \(A\) matrix into a list

Step 7 - Organise the effects (spatial autocorrelation structure and explanatory variables)

Step 8 - Build stack

Here, we build a stack that will be passed to the inla function. Note that this is a special version of stack especially designed for the INLA package.

Study the model output

## Call:
##    c("inla(formula = form, family = \"nbinomial\", data = 
##, ", " control.compute = list(waic = TRUE), 
##    control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(Stack), ", " compute = TRUE, 
##    link = 1), = list(link = \"log\", ", " hyper = 
##    list(theta = precPrior)))") 
## Time used:
##     Pre = 1.92, Running = 183, Post = 0.815, Total = 185 
## Fixed effects:
##             mean    sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant   mode kld
## bio1      -0.009 0.001     -0.012   -0.009     -0.007 -0.009   0
## bio2      -0.005 0.001     -0.008   -0.005     -0.002 -0.005   0
## Intercept  0.087 0.005      0.077    0.087      0.096  0.087   0
## Random effects:
##   Name     Model
##     field SPDE2 model
## Model hyperparameters:
##                                                         mean    sd 0.025quant
## size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 1.748 0.053      1.647
## Range for field                                        2.355 0.921      1.079
## Stdev for field                                        0.248 0.041      0.177
## GroupRho for field                                     0.971 0.030      0.889
##                                                        0.5quant 0.975quant
## size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion)    1.747      1.856
## Range for field                                           2.180      4.642
## Stdev for field                                           0.245      0.337
## GroupRho for field                                        0.981      0.999
##                                                         mode
## size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 1.744
## Range for field                                        1.878
## Stdev for field                                        0.238
## GroupRho for field                                     0.997
## Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 76.12(11.23)
## Number of equivalent replicates : 43.68 
## Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) ...: 20578.59
## Effective number of parameters .................: 79.96
## Marginal log-Likelihood:  -10339.55 
## Posterior marginals for the linear predictor and
##  the fitted values are computed

Plot prediction maps

# Dimention of the raster
rasterDim <- dim(climate)[1:2]

# Define basis of the map
mapBasis <- inla.mesh.projector(MeshSpace,
                               dims = rasterDim,
                               xlim = c(xmin(region), xmax(region)),
                               ylim = c(ymin(region), ymax(region)),
                               crs = crs(region))

# Calculate prediction
mapMean <- vector("list", length = nyear)
map.025 <- vector("list", length = nyear)
map.975 <- vector("list", length = nyear)

for(i in 1:nyear){
  mapMean[[i]] <- inla.mesh.project(mapBasis, 
                               model$summary.random$field$mean[Field$ == i])
  map.025[[i]] <- inla.mesh.project(mapBasis, 
                               model$summary.random$field$`0.025quant`[Field$ == i])
  map.975[[i]] <- inla.mesh.project(mapBasis, 
                               model$summary.random$field$`0.975quant`[Field$ == i])
# Transform map into a raster
rasterMean <- brick(climate, nl = 5)
raster.025 <- brick(climate, nl = 5)
raster.975 <- brick(climate, nl = 5)

for(i in 1:nyear){
  values(rasterMean)[,i] <- exp(as.vector(t(mapMean[[i]])))
  values(raster.025)[,i] <- exp(as.vector(t(map.025[[i]])))
  values(raster.975)[,i] <- exp(as.vector(t(map.975[[i]])))

# Mask the region
rasterMeanMask <- mask(rasterMean, region)
raster.025Mask <- mask(raster.025, region)
raster.975Mask <- mask(raster.975, region)

# Plot the results
for(i in 1:nyear){
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(raster.025Mask[[i]], zlim = range(values(raster.025Mask[[i]]),
                              values(raster.975Mask[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE),
     main = "2.5%")

plot(rasterMeanMask[[i]], zlim = range(values(raster.025Mask[[i]]),
                              values(raster.975Mask[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE),
     main = "Mean")

plot(raster.975Mask[[i]], zlim = range(values(raster.025Mask[[i]]),
                              values(raster.975Mask[[i]]), na.rm = TRUE),
     main = "97.5%")